Біполярний коагуляційний зонд Брайтона призначений для пропускання через робочий канал ендоскопа для забезпечення гемостазу по всьому шлунково-кишковому тракту.

The Brighton Bipolar Coagulation Probe is intended to be passed through an endoscope’s working channel to provide hemostasis throughout the gastrointestinal tract.


  • Silver spiral electrode pair design provides constant power and thermal conductivity.
  • Hydrophilic coated tip can reduce probe adherence for more effective coagulation.
  • Round distal tip helps promote precise burn from various angles.
  • Unique catheter material facilitates passage through the endoscope and virtually eliminates kinking while providing optimum tamponade.
  • 350cm length offers one size to fit most endoscopes.
  • Dual and single plugs to fit most bipolar generators.
  • Irrigation through central lumen to effectively remove debris.
  • Purple color enhances positive endoscopic identification of the tip and catheter transition.


Додаткова інформація




Інформація для замовлення

Catalog Number Description Length Generator Plug Type
BP-10F-DP-350 10F (3.3mm) 350cm Dual
BP-10F-SP-350 10F (3.3mm) 350cm Single
BP-7F-DP-350 7F (2.3mm) 350cm Dual
BP-7F-SP-350 7F (2.3mm) 350cm Single